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Brains, Bowels and Bugs: the inner workings of your inner self

Join us for a public lecture about gut health!

Did you know there are more bacteria in your gut than there are cells in your body? These bugs can have a big impact on our health and our mood, and they are sensitive to what we eat! Find out how your gut, your brain and your bugs are intimately linked in this public lecture on gut health, brought to you by ANGMA, an Australasian association for gut research. Join us for an evening of education and conversation on the latest scientific research in this exciting field! The line-up includes renowned researchers:

Dr Lincon Stamp (University of Melbourne): Introduction to the gut - what is inside the bowel? There is a "second brain" that is crucial for controlling gut function!

Prof Felice Jacka (Deakin University): Prof Jacka heads the Food and Mood research centre, she'll be discussing how does your brain talk to the gut? Can diet play a role in how you are feeling?

A/Prof Andrew Holmes (University of Sydney): the Microbiome - how do the bacteria in the gut interact with your body?

Dr Erin Shanbahan (University of Sydney): Faecal transplants - you may have heard about this treatment for a variety of diseases, but how do they work?

There will be an extended Q&A discussion session to conclude the meeting.

This meeting is part of the ANGMA 2022 scientific conference!

3 November

ANGMA 2022

10 March

2023 Oesophageal Symposium